
Extended Histories provided by Mary Anne Pickens

The Burford Family who came to Texas in the 1850s was a large contingency, all related to Dr. Jonathan Burford, recently deceased in Tennessee. Dr. Burford was married twice, first to Nancy Chaffin, with whom he had eleven children. After she died, he married Mrs. Harriet Yates and had four additional children. After Dr. Burford died, Harriet, her four children, and eight of the children by his first wife came to Texas. Several of his descendants settled in the Osage area. 

Caroline Burford, a daughter of Dr. Jonathan Burford and Nancy, married Dr. Thomas Harris in Tennessee. They had their first child, Jonathan Burford Harris, in 1848 in Tennessee. Their second child, Emily Chaffin Harris, was born in Texas in 1850, so they arrived in Texas prior to the coming of the rest of the family. Caroline and Thomas had four more children in Texas. Their venture into Colorado County, Texas probably influenced the rest of the Burford extended family to come there also. Caroline and her husband owned land near Alleyton, but their son Jonathan became a doctor and settled in the Osage area. Dr. Jonathan Burford Harris is buried in the Osage cemetery.

Most of the other Burford descendants in the Osage cemetery are children and grandchildren of Francis Marion Burford and Cordelia Ann Shaw. Francis Marion and Cordelia are buried in the cemetery along with two of their children and three grandchildren. Francis Marion died in 1877 and Cordelia in 1889. Both have distinctive obelisk tombstones. Hers is pink granite and his white marble. F.M. Burford was on the board of trustees for the Osage school and was active in the community. 

Arthur Lee Burford (1876 - 1900)

Arthur Lee Burford, the son of William Thomas and Mattie Pinchback Burford, was born October 17, 1876 and died January 5, 1900. Arthur attended the Coronal Institute in San Marcos and had recently graduated from the University of Texas law school and begun his practice in Columbus, Texas. His father was sheriff of Colorado County at this time. A trial of a prisoner had been moved to Bastrop and many people from Columbus took the train to attend the trial. Arthur accompanied his father to Bastrop. The judge postponed the trial, and as Arthur left the court house with two other men and walked down a street in Bastrop, someone began shooting and Arthur dropped dead with a bullet to his head. No one was ever prosecuted for his death.

The night before he died, Arthur wrote his mother in Columbus that they had arrived safely and that everything was quiet in Bastrop. The Rangers were there and he was confident that peace would prevail. His mother received the letter after she learned that he had been shot.

Arthur´s parents buried him in Osage near his grandparents, Francis Marion and Cordelia Ann Shaw Burford. His family never truly recovered from his senseless death.

Cordelia Ann Burford (1831-1839)

Cordelia Ann Shaw Burford was born on July 25, 1831. She married Francis Marion Burford in Hardemann County, Tennessee on October 22, 1849. They came to Colorado County, Texas in about 1850 and settled in Osage, Texas.

A petite woman, she had a family of eight children, all born in Osage except the first who was born in Tennessee. She died Nov. 26, 1889 in Weimar.

Francis Marion Burford (1823-1877)

Francis Marion Burford was born November 26, 1823, in Tennessee, the fourth of eleven children of Dr. Jonathan Burford and Euphemia Nancy Chaffin. Whether or not he had been named for Francis Marion of American Revolutionary War fame is a matter of speculation. Jonathan’s father had served in the war, and it is within the realm of possibility, that Jonathan felt naming his son for an American hero was in order.

After Euphemia’s death, Dr. Jonathan married the widow, Harriet B. Campbell. They had four children. Dr. Jonathan died in March 1849 and in his will generously provided for his widow Harriet and all his children.

According to his father’s will, Francis Marion received two slaves, Tom and Mary, valued at about $1200, a horse bridle and saddle bed and furniture, all of which he had already received except the bed and furniture. Francis married Cordelia Ann Shaw on October 22, 1849, in Hardeman County, Tennessee. Their first child, William Thomas Burford, was born July 24, 1850 in Tennessee.

Soon after William Thomas’ birth, Francis Marion and Cordelia joined with other families and moved to Colorado County, Texas. Francis’ sister, Caroline Sharp, and her husband Dr. Thomas W. Harris were already in Texas and probably were the inspiration for the move. Harriet and her children joined the group of settlers that included Shaws, Yorks, and Campbells. Many of the group settled on property along Little Harvey’s Creek in Colorado County in an area that came to be called Osage.

Land records for Colorado County show the first recorded land purchase by F. M. Burford was for 500 acres in the F. Pettus Survey purchased from Mary A. Harvey on August 18, 1852. A map of the subdivision of the H. Austin Haciendo, south of of the Pettus Survey, shows a house just north of the Austin haciendo, inside the Pettus Survey, clearly labeled Burford. This undoubtedly was the home place of F. M. and Cordelia Ann Burford.

Francis Marion and Cordelia had seven additional children born in Texas. He prospered as a cotton and corn planter prior to the Civil War. The 1860 Colorado County Census shows his real estate valued at $16,000 and personal assets valued at $24,000.

According to the book Texas and Texans (pgs. 1555-1556), when the Civil War started, Francis, being loyal to the Southern cause, tried to enlist. He was 37 years old and was rejected four times before finally being inducted as Major. In that capacity, his command got as far as the Mississippi River where they learned the war was over. Like many others, he was in debt at the end of the War but through diligence and hard work he was able to pay off his debts and provide well for his family, as well as generously help others in need.

A firm believer in education, Francis and Cordelia sent three of their sons to Texas Military Institute in Austin in the 1870s. Family letters document that William Thomas, Jesse E., and Robert Franklin all attended T.M.I.

As his tombstone indicates, Francis was a Mason. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and served as a steward in the Osage church. Letters from his son William show that the family felt strongly about their religion.

Francis Marion and Cordelia are both buried in the Osage Community Cemetery. Other Burford relatives are buried near by, including Francis Marion´s sister, Phoebe Burford Shaw, his son Robert Franklin Burford, his daughter Sallie Burford Bock and her husband Harmon. Four grandchildren are buried near, including three children of his son William Thomas and his wife Mattie Pinchback Burford and one child of his son John E. Burford and his wife Charlotta Eldora Clayton. William´s children are Arthur L. Burford, Willie Burford, and an unnamed infant son. John E.’s daughter Charlotta Eldora drowned in Harvey´s Creek while visiting her cousins in Osage. John E.’s wife also named Charlotta Eldora is buried next to their daughter.

Although Harriet Campbell Burford is not buried in the Osage Community Cemetery, a number of her descendants are.

Charlotte Eldora Burford (1880 -1893)

Charlotta Eldora Burford was known as Dora to her family. Eight months after her birth her mother died from lingering ill effects of childbirth and was buried in the Osage Cemetery. At that time, the family lived in Schulenburg where Dora's father, Dr. Jonathan Edward “Ned” Burford practiced medicine. Ned had been born and raised in Osage, and had attended school there, before moving on to Texas Military Institute in Austin and medical school at Tulane University in New Orleans.

After his wife's death, Dr. Ned Burford continued to practice in Schulenburg and in 1885, he married Grace Cameron in Colorado County. He relocated his practice to Patterson in Walker County. He and Grace had three additional children, two girls and a son, but only the two girls lived to maturity.

In January of 1893, little Dora visited her aunt Florence Marion Burford Weller, her father's sister, and her family in Austin, Texas. While there, she wrote to her cousin, Fay Burford, a daughter of Ned's brother, William Thomas Burford who was living in Osage.

Her very beautiful and precise handwriting and her loving letter to a young eight year old cousin exemplifies the family's close ties. But child like, Dora proudly tells what all she had gotten for Christmas and inquires what Fay had gotten. The two boys she mentions in her letter, Clarence and Burford, are her Weller cousins who she is visiting in Austin. The other children mentioned, Mamie and little Mattie, are Fay's sisters.

In July 1893, six months after writing this letter, Dora visited friends and relatives in Osage and tragically drowned in Harvey's creek. Her body was taken to the home of her uncle William Thomas Burford, Fay's father. Dora was buried in Osage Cemetery near her mother and Burford grandparents.

My grandmother, Fay Burford Youens, carefully saved little Dora's letter.

Robert Franklin Burford (1857 - 1890)

Robert Franklin Burford died of cancer in Austin, Texas. He had been ill and had gone there to seek medical attention. He wrote a poignant letter to his brother William Thomas Burford on May 26, 1890, saying he was going to have surgery and in the event that he did not survive, he wanted William to take care of his family. Robert Franklin, called Frank, died on May 30 and was buried in the Osage Community cemetery near his father and mother, Francis Marion and Cordelia Ann Burford.

Frank was married to Davie E. Hubbard on October 17, 1881, and at the time of his death, they had three small children, William Edward Burford born Dec. 5, 1883, Verna Belle Burford born 28th Dec. 1884, and Harry Otway Burford born Dec. 7th, 1887. Davie Hubbard Burford never remarried. She died on October 11, 1942 in Yoakum, Texas.

The letter that Frank wrote to his brother Will was written in pencil and is now very faint. Mary Elizabeth Hopkins, granddaughter of Will, transcribed it sometime before her death in 1990. It is now on file at the Nesbitt Memorial Library Archives.

Willie Burford (1891 - 1892)

Willie Burford was one of twin daughters born to William Thomas and Mattie Burford. The twins were born on Oct. 21, 1891, and were named Willie and Mattie Burford for their parents. Willie was larger than Mattie and always more robust. The family didn´t think Mattie would survive because she was so small. Mattie clung to life, however, and she and Willie were seven months old when Willie suddenly was taken ill. She died within a few days and the family was shocked. They had expected to lose Mattie, but not Willie. As it turns out, Mattie not only survived but lived to be ninety-nine years old. Willie died May 28, 1892.